Quote Log

Click the button link to check out the spreadsheet for the quotes, as well as what games/books/etc and which characters they come from.


Have a question you want to ask? Submit it to the QuotesFNAF curiouscat page:

#fnafquoteart bi-weekly

#fnafquoteart is on hiatus indefinetly (forever). However, the tag #fnafquoteart is still up, and has some great art in it if you want to check it out.


Q: What is this account? What is it for?

A: This account is a bot account, meaning that the tweets it makes are automatically generated. It tweets quotes from various Five Nights At Freddy's media for entertainment purposes.

Q: Are there any "Do Not Follow If" criteria for this account?

A: Yes. Usually I will soft/hardblock followers on my own discretion, but in general racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia and other bigotry & harmful beliefs are not tolerated.
Also, since a good majority of my followers are minors, if you're using a public NSFW account to interact with the bot to a degree where minor can easily find you (i.e. replying or qrting) I may have to block you.

Edit (5/12/2021) - I will be blocking supporters and defenders of Scott Cawthon from now on as well. He has openly admitted to being a pro-life Trump supporter, and has funded many other racist anti-lgbt politicians. He has made it clear he does not intend to change. You can still enjoy fnaf with a critical eye, but anyone who tries to defend him in his choices is getting blocked.

Q: How many are there?

A: As of this carrd's most recent edit, there are 330 quotes in total.

#fnafquoteart bi-weekly

Every two weeks, a quote is selected from the bot and linked below! Make art based off of it and include "#fnafquoteart" in the description, and it will be retweeted to the QuotesFNAF account!